Thursday, May 21, 2009

Louder Louder - Elemeno P Song of the Day

Today's song of the day just makes me feel happy. I want to just party and shout "LOUDER LOUDER" So today's song of the day comes from the New Zealand band Elemeno P (genius name in my opinion).

This song is called Louder Louder.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Spaceman - The Killers Song of the Day

This weekend we had a party at our house and I was going through a bunch of music for the party. Early in the evening I was listening to some of the Killers new album and I also had a conversation with my cousin about the Killers. We decided that since the Killers have been around, I have hated them and loved them, and everything in between. Its hard to like some of the Killers songs, but others are amazing! Currently I am enjoying Day and Age, and Spaceman is my favorite from the album.

So today's song of the day. Spaceman by the Killers

Friday, May 15, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Songs of the Month Spring Break Edition


I know, I know. I'm sure most of you have wondered where the daily song updates have been. And I know for a fact without me, you have no real source of new music, therefore I apologize for my absence.

So what's been up with me and KSDB. W-Hhell, Fake Patty's Day 2009 in Aggieville thats whats been up. Usually its the one event that requires the entire exec staff to help out with, and weeks of planning and preparing. I give a HUGE kudos to Kyle Corbett our promotions director, and Sam Dodge our Underwriting director for the great job they did this year!

Anyways, as far as new music goes. I have a ton of great songs I have come across since "Incridbad" found its way into my mittens.

So I decided I would do a Songs of the Month Spring Break edition. I say spring break edition, because well, tomorrow i'm off to Tampa Bay, where there will be another week absence of tunes. BUT, keep in mind, while you are struggling to find new tunes, I'll be on the beach, watching Tampa Bay lighting Hockey, and The Wailers Play in St. Petersburg.

The first song of the Month comes from my favorite artist, so how could it not be first.

Shimmer and Shine Relentless 7 song of the Month #1

Miracles, Jeremy Messersmith Song of the Month # 2

My Night With a Prostitute from Marseille, Beirut Song of the Month # 3

White Dove, Sleepy Sun Sun Song of the Month #4

Skinny Love, Bon Iver Song of the Month #5

Monday, February 16, 2009

Space Olympics - The Lonely Island Song of The Day

Hey everyone,

Last week was quite a busy one indeed. Lots going on at The Wildcat 91.9. The pizza giveaway to the fans standing at line at the game, was a success. Unfortunately, being so busy, and having a weekend to myself I didn't have much time to do "Song of the Day." However, I have had lots of time to listen to music this weekend, and plenty of songs to be added at the station.

Today's song of the day came to me via Universal Music Group. Friday, I opened up a package that included the Lonely Island Album: Incredibad. As I was listening to it, I enjoyed many classics, from the SNL Digital Short Videos, such as D**k in a Box, Ras Trent, and J**Z in my Pants.

Space Olympics, was the first song I listened to, that I had not seen the video to. To my amazement, the song ended up being really kick ass. After listening to this song many times over the weekend, we finally watched the video on the DVD that comes with the album...

Space Olympics - The Lonely Island

Watch the Video on Youtube Here

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Dreams be Dreams - Jack Johnson Song of the Day


There isn't anything really New about this song. But i'm making it the song of the day because I heard it the other day, and i've probably listened to it 20 times. Its quite eerie becuase I wrote a song that was JUST like this songs, chord progression, lyrics and everything. So, here's to great minds thinking alike.

Dreams Be Dreams - Jack Johnson Song of The Day


Monday, February 9, 2009

Karma Police - Citizen Cope & Easy Star All-Stars

Hey everyone,

Today sitting at work, my cousin Julie sent me a Matisyahu song to listen too titled "I Will Be Light." It reminded me some reason of being at the mall friday to look for some new shoes, and I heard Karma Police playing on the overhead speakers. Only this wasn't Radiohead, it was Citizen Cope's version. I saw Citizen Cope play this live at Wakarusa 2007, pretty much awesomeness.
